海岛奇兵特遣队更新详解 “赵将军”神秘事件出现

www.zanba.com时间:2015-06-11 15:44来源:未知作者:
海岛奇兵官方对于4月份更新又做了详细说明,对于特遣队的玩法也有了改变,加入了神秘赵将军,赶紧跟着小编一起来看看详细情况吧!海岛奇兵特遣队一、The last update took the defense/offense balance in the right direction - defense matters more now - but it lacked the defensive tools to make things interesting. So in the next update we're bringing some fun defensive tools to spice things up确认下个版本将会确定推出新的防御建筑,而且很有可能不只是一种二、Yes, we've designed a new operation or two for the next update. Improving the Task Force element of Boom is one of our priorities. We've got some ideas about adding Task Force stats somewhere, but haven't finished this enough to implement it yet. We've talked about "Task Force Wars" a fair bit and have an idea bouncing around, but nothing concrete that we're developing right now.近期会增加1-2个新特遣队任务。而且正在构想特遣队之间的战斗,不过这个目前只是想法,还没开始做。三、However, we are bringing some new events with this update! General Zhao is still a very mysterious character.这次更新将添加新事件和新角色"赵将军"。四、There's no consensus in the team about introducing HQ 21 - it's something we'll no doubt be revisiting many times in the future, but as of right now we don't have it on any roadmaps.开发组内部尚未就开放“21本”达成共识,现在暂时还没有任何计划去弄这个。

